Shungite in nutshell
"Shungite cures, rescues, purifies, heals, protects, normalizes, restores and even stimulates the growth. Amazing rock: it kills and devours anything that harms people and other living beings, and concentrates and restores all that is good. The scholars who have studied shungite in one voice declare, it is a miracle! "
From the book by A. Doronina "Shungite - the stone-savior"
Shungite is an ancient rock formation, a natural mineral of unusual composition and structure. It has unique properties and is extracted in Karelia near the small settlement called Shunga. Hence the name shungite. From the old times, the local residents have been aware of shungite mysterious "great power" or black "slate stone"(as it was known in the old days), similar to coal and healing many illnesses and purifying water in the area.
Shungite is a natural mineral with the crystal lattice or grid organized in a certain way, the basis of which is carbon. As we know, carbon is the basis of life on the Earth. Modern scholars view the emergence of life on our planet as a complex process of evolution of carbon compounds. They believe that these compounds can serve as a carrier of life in any part of the universe.
Shungite receives its healing power from one of its elements, fullerenes – a globular hollow molecule consisting of several dozens of carbon atoms. When fullerenes, a special molecular formation, were discovered in shungite a few decades ago, it became a sensation. Fullerenes, getting in our body, behave as the most powerful and most long-acting antioxidant as a means to fight free radicals. Today, doctors have great hopes for fullerenes.
The importance of this discovery is that until that time, scientists were aware only of three modifications of carbon - diamond, graphite and carbyne. The new molecule cuts diamond as oil, slows down the growth of cancer cells, and substances from fullerenes can slow down the activity of the AIDS virus. The discovery of the fullerene was a real breakthrough in nanotechnology and was declared a sensation of the 20th century. The scientists who have made it received the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1996.
Shungite contains almost the entire periodic table. However, as everyone knows, not all chemical elements have a positive effect on a human being. But this is just an amazing quality of this stone: only those elements which are necessary and useful for a living organism come into water.
The natural black stone shungite is a real miracle. It is a cure of many illnesses and savior of lives.
The unique healing properties of shungite and shungite natural water sources have had no scientific explanation for a long time. But these properties were so evident that medicine has recognized the healing properties of shungite water, even without finding out how exactly it works.
Currently shungite attracts many scientists, manufacturers and politicians as a promising material for solution of many complex environmental problems and improvement of the environment in the modern world.
Shungite is:
• a sorbent, purifying air and water from many organic and inorganic compounds and from excess of free radicals;
• a catalyst, which ensures decomposition of organic substances sorbed and restoration of the sorption properties;
• a carrier of wide range of microelements and biologically active substances, intensifying biological processes in the bodies of human beings and animals;
• a material, actively interacting with electromagnetic fields of different nature (anthropogenic high-frequency, solar, geopathogenic, biofields) and neutralizing their negative impact.
It possesses:
• adsorptive activity, the ability to absorb substances from the environment;
• bactericidal action;
• high level of adhesion, the ability to connect with any substance;
• anti-inflammatory and antihistaminic effects;
• radio shield properties;
• electroconductivity;
• ability to absorb oxygen, actively interact with it at the room temperature in water and in the air.
• bactericidal action;
• high level of adhesion, the ability to connect with any substance;
• anti-inflammatory and antihistaminic effects;
• radio shield properties;
• electroconductivity;
• ability to absorb oxygen, actively interact with it at the room temperature in water and in the air.
Ecological potential of shungite is very wide. It realizes in the processes of water purification and air, protection of people from electromagnetic radiation of different nature, increase of the immune system of human beings and animals, medicinal properties in relation to a wide range of illnesses.
Shungite water has been used long ago to treat skin illnesses. There is a spring "Three Ivans" on the territory of Zaonezhsky peninsula in Lake Onega. The local residents honoured the spring as sacred. Many people have been coming to it for treatment in spite of its difficult accessibility. The water is so clean in Lake
Shungite of Zazhoginsky deposits is an electro-conductive rock. The research by Tula Scientific and Research Institute "New Medical Technologies" has shown that the presence of shungite materials close to the source of cellular frequency radiation significantly weakens their effect on the human body.
Researches of shungite have also shown that direct contact of the stone with the human body ensures relief from pain and releases from a number of serious illnesses, especially of musculoskeletal system, any skin deceases, contributes to a rapid healing of cuts, etc.
Taking into account its healing properties, shungite is successfully being used in medicine, ecology, agriculture, water supply, metallurgy, energetics, chemical and construction industries. Shungite in its pure form is used as inserts in the floor of the Kazan Cathedral. St. Isaac's Cathedral entire inner lower belt made of the shungite stone.
Long experience of using shungite, its healing properties and high effect of protection from electromagnetic radiation, allowed to create shungite room for adaptation and psycho-emotional correction, for both adults and children. Recovery is the main effect of the shungite room.
Staying in such a room enhances the overall vitality and body resistance, improves work efficiency of healthy individuals. This gives an opportunity to use shungite rooms for physical and psychological rehabilitation and non-medical recovery of human beings. Shungite room can also correct the energy bio-field of a person.
Such shungite rooms are constructed in St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy, in Petrozavodsk, in the spa center "White Springs", in the office of the company "Pritsero P" in Moscow, in Saratov. There are also a shungite room in the prison "Matrosskaya Tishina", where the guards visit this room for 20-30 minutes to relieve fatigue after the shifts.
"This stone, which possesses amazing cleansing and healing properties, brings more pure and spiritual pleasure. Just contemplation of it calms down and comforts. It literally absorbs negative energy while emitting only positive. "
(From the book by M. Polevaya "Shungite - the magic stone of health ")
"The God gave Karelia the most powerful deposits of shungite. On the diamond, to turn it from the mineral into precious stone, 57 edges are usually applied. Shungite is opened only on 10-15 of its edges, and the man is yet to turn this mineral into the stone, representing a particular value".
(From "Lectures on the healing properties of minerals" academician Podchaynov S.F.)
Let it be as it should be, but what is for sure is that there is a mineral which has no analogue in both healing qualities and other diversity of properties.
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